salam semua,.,with the name of ALLAH the most merciful and most compassioanate!
gambr kt ats ni ni gmbr stry yg aku nk tgk tp xksmpaian,..huhu.,,,bez wo0 cite ni.,,!org kater la bkn aku kate ,..tu yg nk tgk sgt tu.,,btw,,
hari ni aku da dpt satu lagi pengajaran dlm idup aku,i guess,..kisahnya bermulanya begini:
pd pkul 10.30 pg kitaorg ade mkn2 honey stats.,mnis mak nnek wa ckp luu,..da abes air msk da aku tguk,..huhu.,,mnis ngat ekpom,..erm,.back to the topic,ade la satu sentence from my friend ni,i xingt da sape.,,tp rase cam terase la sket kt aty aku ni,..tp aku ni kn jnis yg kras aty so i just ignore it and think it likes a rubbish that i should remove from my memory.,,OUT O BLUE,since i went to throw the rubbish , i have thaught about the sentence that my friend have told me before,..uhh, msty i da telnjur ckp kt org lain jgk.msty xphmkn.,,..
mcm ni sbnrnya,,,aku pk yg aku mesty da mngguris aty org laen, sbb tu la aku kene ari ni.,,kn2?xgitu,..smua perbuatan kita ni kn da ad blsn so, that means aku da buat mcm tu kt org ,dan org tu bls blik kt aku,..for knowledge aku ni jnis yg ckp yg xbertpis,gile x?huhu.,,mmg gile kn...,tp aku igt ayt sir aku yg aja kt smaij,,u better the truth bout sth otherwise u will mengumpat kt blkng org tu.,,thats it.,,heh!what a mess..,tp for sure, i got sth today,,..yeah,..everyday we learn right,.?and learning is never ending.,,
thank for my friend that have been realized me.,.,mercy.,.muncass grasias.,.salamat pok.,,
last but not least,..PEACE BE UPON YOU.,,INNALLAHAMAANA.,.<3<3
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